

Well im not sure if I should be inpressed or just kind of dumbfounded because of this next story. Last week I talked about a girl who had 5000 dollar texting bill. This week that doesn’t even come close to what this guy was charged. I believe that these two guys set a world record of some kind for being the biggest loser on the planet. Oh that’s right the people for sending the most texts in a month easy mistake. I don’t know why people would want to waste this much time of their lives just to say “ya I did that”. I believe they wasted an entire month of their lives to acomplish this “feat” for humanity.

The accomplishment this guy made? A $26,000 dollar bill that cost 28 dollars to ship. A bill that costs 28 dollars to ship must have been huge since it would just be paper. That’s honestly like a full computer paper package thick of paper. Just seems like that’s a little excessive even send him a bill like that. They should send him a computer disk or something instead of wasting so much paper.

When people think they have accomplished something by sending “hey” and “LOL”, they should start to rethink about where their life is going. It just seems like people waste to much time with things like this. I can’t believe that someone would waste an entire month just to do that. The way to accomplish 140,000 and 70,000 each for these 2 guys is to basically text nonstop for a month . It would get pretty annoying when this guy sends me like 300 hello texts in a day. It would just most likely piss people off that are in his phone because they would have got hundreds and hundreds of worthless messages. Personally I think these guys should evaluate their lives and see if that’s what they want to do and waste their lives like that. Final thing I will say is take everything in moderation.



This next story is a rather controvertial one. There is a play that a high school is showing and the name of the play is Rent. The story is about 2 struggling Artists that are homosexual and both have AIDS. It’s a pretty controvertial topic for a high school. I think most people would agree with that. They said that the show was going to be canceled several times but the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit that the High school was homophobic and Sexist. I don’t even know how someone can even file a lawsuit about that. The fact they can is just stupid.

This has caused a Baptist church nearby to protest and picket when the play comes out. I don’t know why people cant just keep their oppinion to themselves. I mean expressing your oppinion is ok but I mean who really is going to picket a high school play. Sometimes people just think about things a little too much and go over board. It really isn’t nessecary to start picketts and things of that nature because it’s just a high school play for crying out loud.

The group that wants to picket the play seems a little extreme a quote from the story is actually pretty disturbing "God hates (gay people) and (their) enablers; ergo, God hates Corona del Mar High School!". I mean what kind of person would just outright say something so hateful and mean. That was put up on their website so they are not trying to hide the hatred. They even go as far as going to soldiers funerals and saying that they are purposefully killed because America accepts homosexuality. This group sounds like some kind of hate group rather than a church. Really all these people did is raise awareness of this play. Now it has probobly sold more tickets because of them because of the publicity that came from news stories like this. Which pretty much makes a rainy day on their parade.

Knock Knock


Well this next story is a little weird and kind of cruel to an animal, even though I am not to fond of this animal anyway. There has been several controvertial topics in the newspaper in sydney australia. This is what people believe to be why someone would make a threat to the newspaper company. The company found itself with a live shark on its front doorstep as a threat. No one has found out anything on the case and the police are stumped because they have no leads on who might have done this. A good side to this is that the shark was relatively small and it was released back into the ocean. I do have to say that is the wierdest threat I have ever seen. What happened to the good old days where they had bomb threats and things like that. Just kidding!

I don’t really see the point they were trying to make by placing a shark on their front door porch area. I mean when someone sees a shark out of water I doubt that they will be too scared or intimidated by it since it would barely be able to move at all. If there was a shark on my front porch I most likely wouldn’t think “o my someone is threatening me” or anything like that. I don’t really find this to be an effective way to threaten anyone. I mean all someone has to do is grab the thing by its tail and put it in a bucket. I will give them quite a bit of credit for innovation though it is probobly the first time that it has been done . It might have been a lighthearted prank or something not too serious. Lets just hope they don’t keep bringing bigger and bigger sharks to the newspapers factory.

145 year late fee


This next story is actually quite remarkable. There was a book taken from washington and lee university that has been missing for over 145 years. I personally would have just said that the book was gone and would have forgotten about it but somehow there was a record of how long it had been gone and it was finally returned.
The book was taken from the university during the civil war. It was reported stolen in the year of 1864. I couldn’t actually believe that someone had kept the knowledge that this book was taken and passed that information down from generation to generation. It is really astounding that that information survived. Its even more amazing the the book itself is actually in good condition and is still readable.145 years is a long time for a book to survive so I am pretty impressed.
The man that returned it wasn’t actually a descendant of the man that took the book. He was friends with the person that owned it and he inherited it from them. He said he had been planning on to give the book back for quite some time and he finally got fed up and talking about it just went to the library and returned it.
I am sure that he is very happy that no fines had been accrued over the 145 years of the bookes absence. If he got fined I am sure he would have quite a large fine stacked up against him but luckily that wasn’t the case. This was just an interesting little story and I thought it was pretty amazing that the book had survived all the time.

Angry Dad


Well this story was pretty much the most worthless thing I have ever seen. I cant believe someone would actually publish this extremely boring poorly written piece of crap on the internet I really just wish people would actually look at what they have written and if its like 50 words, on a news site, and has the grammar and complexity of a two year old, they should probobly just think to themselves for a second or two and not publish it. I really suggest you read the story to learn to never read anything like it ever again.

The story is about a dad who was angry. He was angry because of his daughter that racked up 5 grand in texting bills for one month. Anyone would be angry over that. Here is the kicked though! He was so angry he broke her phone and now she is grounded. I know the story is just captivating and just snags your attention. Well atleast the daughter got punished.

She is now grounded to the end of the school year. This story was written a month or so ago so it is quite a bit of time to be grounded for but if you lose 5000 dollars I think there is perfect merit for that. I think she has learned her lesson because they gave us a inspiring quote from her, “ I felt really bad”. The quote just oozes with passion and sorrow don’t you think?

What I am trying to get across is that whoever wrote this should just stop. They really don’t have much to talk about if I can write more about the story they wrote about in less than a page. I just hope if this person writes another story they put a little more content into it instead of giving a quote like “I felt really bad”. That just isnt going to grab or maintain anyones attention. Much like this article I am writing. If you comment on this write the word scoot in your comment so I can see if you actually read this.



Well this next story is pretty ridiculous when it comes to complaining. This man lives next to an elementary school, police department and an airforce training base. Now which one do you think he would file a noise citation against. I would have guessed the air force training base since jets are pretty loud. Some may even say that the police station would be pretty loud because of the constant sirens goings off. I wouldn’t really think anyone would say an elementary school.
Well hefiled the complaint against the elementary school. I thought that was pretty crazy that he would complain about that over jet engines. I don’t really think little kids could make THAT much noise to really constitute a noise complaint. I had someone like this at at my elementary school.
We had a fire station pretty much right next to my school and I wouldn’t know how you wouldn’t complain about that over a school. I mean school has recess during the day for like 2 hours or something close to that. A fire station sends out fire trucks with their sirens blaring thought the night at 1 or 2 in the morning. It really doesn’t take much to tune something out or he could even liston to music or something like that instead of sitting in his house in silence all day like a creep. I just find it kind of crazy that people complain about so much. He probobly moved to that location after that school was built anyway. So he would have known what he was going to move into.
This wasn’t the first time he filed a complaint and the school did several things to cut back on noise. They installed several sound dampening things around their school and removed loud speakers outside. Then he filed another complaint which is the one I am talking about. I don’t see how loud little kids can be I mean you have to be sitting around and just listoning for it just so you can complain. I would just like to see less news about people complaining and whining about everything.

Weve got a runner


This next story left me pretty amazed. We all learned how to drive a car at around 15 or 16, well most of us at least. This took some time to learn and to feel comfortable to do for most people I am sure. It took a few months of information and a few hours of actual driving to get our permit. It also took quite a bit of money to get this.

Now there is a 13 year old kid who decided it would be a good idea to run away from home. Except he didn’t run and he didn’t take anything you would think. He took his families truck, supplies and 2 horses. The horses were in a trailer attached to the truck. This was all happening in Texas just to give you a little bit more information.

The kid ran away and was eventually found. He didn’t even give an explanation for running away. Which is kind of strange a 13 year old would steal a car like that but, whatever. The thing I am mad about it that he stole a truck and drove it.

It took a great deal of time, effort and money to get my permit and to be able to legally drive. To see a 13 year old kid just go off and start driving kind of pissed me off because he hasn’t “done his time” yet and that frustrated the heck out of me. I didn’t see anything about this kid being punished or anything. I can list off several things that he did that were illegal: Grand theft auto, stealing horses and supplies, the simple fact of running away as a minor is illegal.

I want this kid to be punished in some way because what he did could get a person in jail for a very long time and to see him just walk away from that is very annoying. The law system is pretty flawed and I want it to be fixed asap.